Most of us sweat profusely when the humidity goes up or when we work out. But do you know who sweats the most? “Indian Females”, who spend a long time in Kitchen where the temperature is 10 degrees above the normal room temperature.

People who aren’t hydrated well feel weak & fatigued, experience body aches. They are prone to muscle spasm due to electrolyte imbalance.
Electrolyte Imbalance can spike your weight suddenly too due to water retention.

Stop drinking plain water to “hydrate”.
Electrolyte Imbalance can cause some serious issues coma, seizures or cardiac arrest too.
Both, too much or too low electrolytes can cause serious issues which can be rectified easily.
1. Mental Confusion
2. Irritability
3. Weakness
4. Muscle Cramps
5. Numbness in legs & arms
6. High Pulse Rate
7. Irregular Heart Beat
8. GI issues, Diarrhea or Constipation
9. Nausea & Vomiting
10. Sudden Weight Loss/Gain
When you start sweating profusely then plain water isn’t enough.
But this doesn’t mean you start taking chemical laden stuff to hydrate. We can add lots of natural & cost effective stuff to make our water excellent on hydration.
Also, Since Sports Drink isn’t affordable for a common man, so I thought of writing a cost effective blog.

1. Coconut Water
2. Chocolate MilkShake
3. Lassi (Sweet / Salty)
4. Chaach / Buttermilk
5. Lemonade
6. Chana Sattu
7. Jal Jeera with coriander leaves
8. Chia Seeds in Water with dash of lemon and salt
9. Basil Seeds in water
10. Raisin Water
11. Black Raisin Mocktail (Msg us for our exclusive recipe)
12. Tomato Juice / Veg Juice
You can take combination of these to hydrate well. Composition will depend on your needs, Consult a QUALIFIED DIETITIAN to work this out for you.
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