In the busy lifestyle, lack of exercise and abrupt eating habits lead to the condition of constipation. Constipation is a condition where one experiences difficulty in defecation & stools become hard. If dietary intervention are not made on time then it may lead to serious conditions like hemorroids, anal fissure, organ prolapse etc.Here are few tips you can include in your day to day life to combat constipation.
“The only detox you need is pooping regularly.”
Your body cannot efficiently eliminate toxins if you’re not pooping regularly.
We all know that Papaya, Pear, and Prunes are good for Constipation but let us tell you about items which generally people aren’t aware of.

10 Super Foods to help ease out constipation:
- VANILLA ICE CREAM: Sounds weird right, but read on. Psyllium is used in processing of ice cream as an emulsifier and stabilizer. Psyllium is soluble fibre that acts as a bulking agent and has a lubrication properties in fecal output which helps to ease out defecation. BUT WAIT, Don’t overdo the quantity, it is high on calories.
- GARLIC: Consumption of garlic has shown to improve pH of gastric juice thus helps in maintaining digestive functioning. Aged garlic extract has shown to cure gastric mucosal lining. Its antimicrobial functions also help to kill different types of parasites and microbial infections in the gut. Bioactive compounds in garlic help to reduce incidence of colitis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.
- KIWI: Kiwi fruit is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and fibre. In a study it was seen that kiwi improves bowel functioning and defecation frequency. Dietary fiber of kiwi fruit swells up to almost three times its size providing bulk go stools. Also it has been proven as a potent laxative.
- BANANA : Bananas contain resistant starch which have large water holding capacity which accelerate the movement in the small intestine. Due to this mechanism, bananas show a laxative effect in constipation.
- GINGER: Ginger extract has inflammatory properties that can reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease symptoms like constipation ,nausea etc. It is seen having ginger extract in warm water as an effective way to combat constipation and increase immunity.
- YOGHURT / CURD: Consumption of yoghurt reduces constipation. Yoghurt has shown to improve transit time and lesser straining was experienced after consumption of yoghurt. This in general increases the quality of life.
- WHOLE PULSES: Pulses have around 15-30% of dietary fibre and around 70% of resistant starch. This makes it a potent source to increase fecal bulk and decrease transit time thus helps in combating constipation. It also helps to increase the production of butyrate which acts as fuel in gut cell lining.
- PROBIOTICS: Probiotics have shown significant effects that help to lower pH in the colon, enhance the muscle movement of the digestive system and decrease the symptoms of intestinal problems. In a study it was seen that probiotics helps to increase the frequency of the faecal matter.
- AVOID BINGE DRINKING: Research has proven that binge alcohol drinkers have in general experienced greater symptoms of intestinal bowel diseases. Alcohol is known to affect the motility within the intestine as it dehydrates body which affects the movement of food in the intestine.
- EXERCISE: Exercising helps to improve metabolism and reduce incidence of constipation. Practising different forms of yoga has been effective in reducing incidence of constipation and other inflammatory bowel diseases. Walking is equally beneficial as most people who have a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to Constipation.
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